March Service Schedule

Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 1/14, Friday: 12 noon
Second Stasis of the Akathist HymnMar. 1/14, Friday: 7 pm
Great ComplineMar. 4/17, Monday: 6 pm
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 6/19, Wednesday: 6 pm
Great ComplineMar. 7/20, Thursday: 6 pm
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 8/21, Friday: 12 noon
Third Stasis of the Akathist HymnMar. 8/21, Friday: 7 pm
Third Saturday-40 Martyrs of SebasteiaMar. 9/22, Saturday: 7 am Matins & Divine Liturgy
Great ComplineMar. 11/24, Monday: 6 pm
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 13/26, Wednesday: 6 pm
Great ComplineMar. 14/27, Thursday: 6 pm
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 15/28, Friday: 12 noon
Fourth Stasis of the Akathist HymnMar. 15/28, Friday: 7 pm
Great ComplineMar. 18/31, Monday: 6 pm
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 20/Apr. 2, Wednesday: 12 noon
Great Compline & the Great CanonMar. 20/Apr. 2, Wednesday: 6 pm
Great ComplineMar. 21/Apr. 3, Thursday: 6 pm
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 22/Apr. 4, Friday: 12 noon
Matins with the Akathist HymnMar. 22/Apr. 4, Friday: 6 pm
5th Saturday: The Akathist HymnMar. 23/Apr. 5, Saturday: 7:30am Hours & Divine Liturgy
Annunciation of the TheotokosMar. 24/Apr. 6, Sunday: 6 pm Vigil Mar. 25/Apr. 7, Monday: 8 am Hours & Divine Liturgy
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 27/Apr. 9, Wednesday: 6 pm
Great ComplineMar. 28/Apr. 10, Thursday: 6 pm
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsMar. 29/Apr. 11, Friday: 12 noon
Saturday of LazarusMar 29/Apr 11: Friday 7 pm Small Compline & Canon to St. Lazarus Mar 30/Apr. 12:  Saturday 7 am Matins & Divine Liturgy
Palm SundayMar 31/Apr. 13, Sunday: 7 am Matins & Divine Liturgy

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