Note from the Parish Nurse – July 2022

“The path of God is a daily cross. Nobody entered heaven comfortable” 

St. Isaac the Syrian

Pray all are well and enjoying a relaxing summer. I must admit though, it’s been a little too warm, and so important to stay hydrated. It’s easy to go about your day without thinking about how much water you’ve had to drink until you feel bad or actually become dehydrated.

Watch out for Dehydration! Some symptoms might be experiencing a headache, feeling dizzy, or fatigued, muscle cramps, or fainting. If you experience any of these symptoms, get out of the heat, and drink plenty of liquids.

Avoid alcohol, sugary drinks and/or caffeine as they are loaded with sugar, sodium, and other ingredients that tend to remove water from your tissues. Proper hydration isn’t about just drinking a lot of water which is important but to regulate your body temperature when the risk of heat stroke is the highest.

Some suggestions are to wear loose fitting clothes and schedule strenuous sports and physical activities during cooler parts of the day. Use hats and other shade accessories and take drink breaks often. Also eat foods with high water content such as whole fruits and vegetables (Frederick Health MD).

I also wanted to share as I’m sure you all experience and are aware of the stress we live with and actually the National Park service posted information on techniques to pause and reflect. They share put aside ‘to do list’ mentality, be present in the moment, slow down and find moments of stillness; use your senses, feel your surroundings like the sound of the leaves under your feet or the sight of the clouds drifting across the sunset sky and isn’t that our Orthodox spirituality. Take time to connect with those you love and share this life with as they say there are opportunities everyday to be in nature and find spiritual moments to draw us out of the stresses of life to our Orthodox spirituality as our spiritual health is as important as our physical health if not more.

Please if you have any unusual symptoms or health issues please contact your health care provider. And pray you all have a restful and happy summer. I’m trying to have a blood pressure clinic every third Sunday during coffee hour and we’re still working on our church family project, please share your family stories. 

Thank you. 

In Christ, 

Elizabeth Ashton RN

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