Service Schedule for November

The Supplicatory Canon to the Theotokos on Wednesday evenings at 7pm, unless otherwise noted Holy Unmercenaries, Sts. Kosmas and DamianOct. 31/Nov. 13, Monday - VespersNov. 1/14, Tuesday: Matins & Divine Liturgy7pm7amHoly ArchangelsNov. 7/20, Monday - VespersNov. 8/21, Tuesday - Matins & Divine Liturgy7pm7amSt. NectariosNov. 7/20, Tuesday - VespersNov. 8/21, Wednesday - Matins & Divine Liturgy 7pm7amEntrance of the TheotokosNov. 20/Dec. 3, Sunday - VespersNov. 21/Dec. 4, Monday - Matins & Divine Liturgy7pmSt. Catherine and Apodosis of the Entrance of the TheotokosNov. 24/Dec. 7, Thursday - VespersNov. 25/Dec. 8, Friday - Matins & Divine Liturgy7pm7amSt. Andrew the ApostleNov. 29/Dec. 12, Tuesday…
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Service Schedule for October

Unless otherwise noted: Saturdays: 6:00pm Vespers, Our Lord’s Day (Sundays): 7:00am Matins and Divine Liturgy, Wednesdays:  7:00pm Supplicatory Canon Εκτός από αλλαγή: κάθε Σάββατο: 6:00μμ Εσπερινός, κάθε Κυριακή: 7:00πμ Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία, κάθε Τετάρτη:  7:00πμ Παράκλησις OCTOBER-2022Download Upcoming Services / ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΙΕΡΩΝ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΩΝ Holy Protection of the TheotokosἩ Ἁγία Σκέπη τῆς ΘεοτόκουSep. 30/Oct. 13, Thursday: 7 pm VespersOct. 1/14, Friday: 7 am Matins and Divine LiturgySt. John of KronstadtἉγ. Ἰωάννου τῆς ΚρονστάνδηςOct. 18/31, Monday: 7:00pm VespersOct. 19/Nov. 1, Tuesday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgySt. Artemios the Great MartyrἉγ. Ἀρτεμίου τοῦ ΜεγαλομάρτυροςOct. 19/Nov. 1, Tuesday:  7:00pm VespersOct. 20/Nov. 2, Wednesday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgySt. DemetriosἉγ.…
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August Service Schedule

Unless otherwise noted: Saturdays: 6:00pm Vespers, Our Lord’s Day (Sundays): 7:00am Matins and Divine Liturgy, Wednesdays:  7:00pm Supplicatory Canon Εκτός από αλλαγή: κάθε Σάββατο: 6:00μμ Εσπερινός, κάθε Κυριακή: 7:00πμ Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία, κάθε Τετάρτη:  7:00πμ Παράκλησις Supplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 1/14, Sunday, to Aug. 4/17: 7:00pmHoly Transfiguration of our SaviorAug. 5/18, Thursday: 7:00pm VespersAug. 6/19, Friday: 7:00am Matins and Divine LiturgySupplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 6/19, Friday: 7:00pmSupplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 8/21, Sunday, to Aug. 10/23, Tuesday: 7:00pmHoly UnctionAug. 11/24, Wednesday: 7:00pmSupplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 12/25, Thursday: 7:00pmSupplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 13/26, Friday: 7:00pmDormition of the TheotokosAug. 14/27, Saturday:…
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Upcoming Service Schedules

May-Service-Schedule-2022Download June-Service-Schedule-2022Download Mid-Pentecost ΜεσοπεντηκοστήMay 5/18, Tuesday: 7:00pm Vespers May 6/19, Wednesday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgyApodosis of Pascha Ἀπόδοσις τοῦ ΠάσχαMay 18/31, Tuesday: 7:00pm Vespers May 19/June 1, Wednesday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgyAscension Ἡ ἈνάληψιςMay 19/June 1, Wednesday: 7:00pm Vespers May 20/June 2, Thursday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgySS Constantine & Helen Ἁγ Κωνσταντίνου καὶ ἙλένηςMay 20/June 2, Wednesday: 7:00pm Vespers May 21/June 3, Thursday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgySaturday of Souls ΨυχοσάββατονMay 29/June 11: 7:00am Matins, Divine Liturgy, & Memorial Service  Pentecost ΠεντηκοστήMay 30/June 12:  7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgyThe Holy Spirit Τοῦ Ἁγίου ΠνεύματοςMay 30/June 12, Sunday:…
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January Service Schedule

January-2022Download St. Basil the Great and the Circumcision in theflesh of our Lord Jesus ChristἉγ. Βασιλείου τοῦ Μεγάλου καὶ ἡ κατὰ σάρκα Περιτομὴ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ ΧριστοῦDec. 31/Jan. 13, Thursday: 7:00pm Ves­persJan. 1/14, Friday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgyTheophany EveΠαραμονὴ τῶν ΘεοφανείωνJan. 5/18, Tuesday: 7:00am Great Hours, Vespers, Divine Liturgy, & the First Blessing of the WatersTheophanyΤὰ ΘεοφάνειαJan. 5/18, Tuesday: 7:00pm Vigil, Second Blessing of the WatersJan 6/19, Wednesday: 8:00am Hours & Divine LiturgySt. Anthony the GreatἈγίου Ἀντωνίου τοῦ ΜεγάλουJan. 16/29, Saturday:  6:00pm VespersJan.17/30, Sunday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgyST. MARK OF EPHESUSΑΓ. ΜΑΡΚΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΕΦΕΣΟΥJan. 18/31, Monday: 7:00pm…
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December Service Schedule

Unless otherwise noted: Saturdays: 6:00pm Vespers, Our Lord’s Day (Sundays): 7:00am Matins and Divine Liturgy, Wednesdays:  7:00pm Supplicatory Canon Εκτός από αλλαγή: κάθε Σάββατο: 6:00μμ Εσπερινός, κάθε Κυριακή: 7:00πμ Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία, κάθε Τετάρτη:  7:00πμ Παράκλησις St. Andrew the ApostleNov. 29/Dec. 12, Sunday: 7:00pm Vespers Nov. 30/Dec. 13, Monday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgySS. Barbara, John of Damascus, & Seraphim, the New Sacred MartyrDec. 3/16, Thursday: 7:00pm Vespers Dec. 4/17, Friday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgySS. Spyridon, Herman of Alaska, & Peter the AleutDec. 11/24, Friday: 7:00pm Vespers Dec. 12/25, Saturday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgySS. Daniel the Prophet,…
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November Service Schedule

Unless otherwise noted: Saturdays: 6:00pm Vespers, Our Lord’s Day (Sundays): 7:00am Matins and Divine Liturgy, Wednesdays:  7:00pm Supplicatory Canon Εκτός από αλλαγή: κάθε Σάββατο: 6:00μμ Εσπερινός, κάθε Κυριακή: 7:00πμ Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία, κάθε Τετάρτη:  7:00πμ Παράκλησις Holy Unmercenaries, SS. Kosmas & Damian Ἁγ. Ἀναργύρων, Κοσμᾶ καὶ ΔαμιανοῦOct. 31/Nov. 13, Saturday: 6pm Vespers Nov. 1/14, Sunday: 7am Matins & Divine LiturgyHoly Archangels Τῶν Ἁγίων ΤαξιαρχῶνNov. 7/20, Saturday: 6pm Vespers Nov. 8/21, Sunday: 7am Matins & Divine LiturgySt. Nectarios Ἁγίου ΝεκταρίουNov. 8/21, Sunday: 7pm Vespers Nov. 9/22, Monday: 7am Matins & Divine LiturgyEntrance of the Theotokos Τὰ Εἰσόδια τῆς ΘεοτόκουNov. 20/Dec.…
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October Service Schedule

Unless otherwise noted: Saturdays: 6:00pm Vespers, Our Lord’s Day (Sundays): 7:00am Matins and Divine Liturgy, Wednesdays:  7:00pm Supplicatory Canon Εκτός από αλλαγή: κάθε Σάββατο: 6:00μμ Εσπερινός, κάθε Κυριακή: 7:00πμ Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία, κάθε Τετάρτη:  7:00πμ Παράκλησις Holy Protection of the TheotokosἩ Ἁγία Σκέπη τῆς ΘεοτόκουSep. 30/Oct. 13, Wednesday: 7:00pm VespersOct. 1/14, Thursday: 7:00am Matins and Divine LiturgySt. John of KronstadtἉγ. Ἰωάννου τῆς ΚρονστάνδηςOct. 18/31, Sunday: 6:00pm VespersSt. Artemios the Great MartyrἉγ. Ἀρτεμίου τοῦ ΜεγαλομάρτυροςOct. 19/Nov. 1, Monday:  7:00pm VespersOct. 20/Nov. 2, Tuesday: 7:00am Matins and Divine LiturgySt. DemetriosἉγ. ΔημητρίουOct. 25/Nov. 7, Sunday: 8:30pm Vigil & Divine LiturgyHoly Unmercenaries, SS.…
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September Service Schedule

Beginning of the IndictionἩ Ἀρχὴ τῆς ἸνδίκτουAug. 31/Sep. 13, Monday: 7:00pm Vespers and Blessing of WatersSep. 1/14, Tuesday: 7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgyVespers*ἙσπερινὸςSep. 5/18, Saturday:  7:00pm (Festival/Φεστιβάλ)Nativity of the TheotokosἩ Γέννησις τῆς ΘεοτόκουSep. 7/20, Monday: 7:00pm VespersSep. 8/21, Tuesday:  7:00am Matins & Divine LiturgyExaltation of the Precious CrossἩ Ὕψωσις τοῦ Τιμίου ΣταυροῦSep. 13/26, Sunday: 6:00pm VigilSep. 14/27, Monday: 8:00am Hours and Divine LiturgySaints of America (services in English)Ἀγίων της ἈμερικήςSep. 23/Oct. 6, Wednesday:  7:00pm Vespers Sep. 24/Oct. 7, Thursday:  7:00am Matins & Divine Liturgy(ακολουθίες στα Αγγλικά)Holy Protection of the TheotokosἩ Ἁγία Σκέπη τῆς ΘεοτόκουSep. 30/Oct. 13, Wednesday: 7:00pm VespersOct. 1/14, Thursday:…
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August Service Schedule

Supplicatory Canon to the TheotokosSunday Aug. 2/15, to Tuesday Aug. 4/17 7pmTransfiguration of our SaviorAug. 5/18, Wednesday 7pm Vespers Aug. 6/19, Thursday 7am Matins & Divine LiturgySupplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 7/20, Friday 7pmSupplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 9/22, Sunday, to Aug. 11/24, Tuesday 7pmHoly UnctionAug. 12/25, Wednesday 7pmSupplicatory Canon to the TheotokosAug. 13/26, Thursday 7pmDormition of the TheotokosAug. 14/27, Friday 7pm Vespers Aug. 15/28, Saturday  7am Matins & Divine LiturgyBeheading of the Venerable ForerunnerAug. 28/Sep. 10, Friday 7pm Vespers Aug. 29/Sep. 11, Saturday 7am Matins & Divine Liturgy AUGUST-2021Download
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